Corporate Editing

Make sure you make an impact with the most important stakeholders by taking advantage of our professional corporate editing services. Our expert editors are equipped to uncover and highlight your message’s best features, crafting a narrative that communicates directly with its target audience.

Put yourself in good company; from business reports to advertising content, we specialize in delivering precise documents free of any errors.


What’s Included?

We provide both Standard and Premium Editing options, so whatever your needs are, we have got them covered. Rest assured that each service is backed by a complete satisfaction guarantee to ensure a perfect result every time.

All corporate editing services include the following features:

Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax
according to British/Australian or US English conventions

Improved sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow

Correct use of formal academic English

Correct use of technical terms

Referencing consistency

Word count reduction

Suggestions on original writing

Unlimited Q&A

Corporate Editing Samples


Choose Your Service

All documents handled by us are kept securely confidential, protected by our strict Non Disclosure Agreement.

Get a 15% discount for orders over 30,000 words.

Get a second editor to double-check your document at 30% off the regular price.

Our website is always open for orders, but check our homepage for any ordering restrictions around special occasions when orders may need to be placed in advance.

Corporate Editing Service



    USD Per Word



    USD Per Word

  • • Detailed editing by a postgraduate-qualified editor
  • • QA by PhD linguists
  • • Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax
  • • Improved sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow
  • • Improvement of organization and structure
  • • General suggestions on original writing
  • • Detailed advice on original writing
  • • Word count reduction
  • Up to 10%
  • Up to 20%
  • • Choice of British/Australian or US English
  • • Formatting and referencing consistency
  • • Post-service support (for revisions within 20% of the original document)
  • 50% discount
  • • Review letter (upon request)


    USD Per Word



    USD Per Word

  • • Detailed editing by a postgraduate-qualified editor
  • • QA by PhD linguists
  • • Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax
  • • Improved sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow
  • • Improvement of organization and structure
  • • General suggestions on original writing
  • • Detailed advice on original writing
  • • Word count reduction
  • Up to 10%
  • Up to 20%
  • • Choice of British/Australian or US English
  • • Formatting and referencing consistency
  • • Post-service support
  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • • Turnaround time
  • 3 days
  • 1 day