Academic Translation

Transform international academic success into reality with Wordible. Our experienced academic translators will ensure that every document reaches the highest standard of quality and accuracy.

With our meticulous quality assurance process that guarantees the utmost precision behind every word, we can help you open up your valuable resources on an international level.


What’s Included?

We provide both Standard and Premium Translation options, so whatever your needs are, we have got them covered. Rest assured that each service is backed by a complete satisfaction guarantee to ensure a perfect result every time.

All academic translation services include the following features:

Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax according to British/Australian or US English conventions

Natural sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow

Correct use of formal academic English

Correct use of technical terms

Complete formatting according to a chosen formatting style

Word count reduction

Consistent and accurate referencing

Quality assurance process

Unlimited Q&A

Translation For Postgraduates

Wordible is committed to supporting ESL students in achieving their writing goals. Our talented team of academic translators can help you present your research with confidence with precise and error-free translations from Korean into English. Each translation will reflect a deep understanding of your work, so every word carries its intended meaning, and no ideas are lost in translation.

At Wordible, we provide tailored translation and editing services that will optimize your research papers, conference presentations or journal articles for flawless delivery. Whether you’re presenting at a high-level academic event or simply aiming to demonstrate the impact of your work on society, let Wordible help make sure every word matters with our expert translations and edits.

Academic integrity

Wordible upholds the highest standards of academic integrity. Our essay editing and proofreading services are designed with one key principle in mind: respect for your study material and original interpretation of it. We never rewrite or restructure any part of a student’s work and only provide suggestions that are faithful to its original interpretation.

As plagiarism is an egregious violation within academia, we have a strict zero-tolerance policy against it—refusing services for any work suspected of being pirated content.

Find out more

Academic Translation Samples


Choose Your Service

All documents handled by us are kept securely confidential, protected by our strict Non Disclosure Agreement.

Get a second editor to double-check your document at 30% off the regular price.

Get a 15% discount for orders over 30,000 words.

Our website is always open for orders, but check our homepage for any ordering restrictions around special occasions when orders may need to be placed in advance.




    USD Per Word



    USD Per Word

  • • Specialized translation by a postgraduate-qualified academic translator
  • • Detailed editing by a postgraduate-qualified editor
  • • QA by PhD linguists
  • • Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax
  • • Natural sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow
  • • Improvement of organization and structure
  • • General suggestions on original writing
  • • Detailed advice on original writing
  • • Word count reduction
  • Up to 10%
  • Up to 20%
  • • Choice of British/Australian or US English
  • • Journal-specific/standard formatting
  • • Post-service support (for revisions within 20% of the original document)
  • 50% discount
  • • Editing certificate (upon request)
  • • Customized cover letter
  • • Journal response letter editing


    USD Per Word



    USD Per Word

  • • Specialized translation by a postgraduate-qualified academic translator
  • • Detailed editing by a postgraduate-qualified editor
  • • QA by PhD linguists
  • • Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax
  • • Natural sentence logic, clarity, transition, and flow
  • • Improvement of organization and structure
  • • General suggestions on original writing
  • • Detailed advice on original writing
  • • Word count reduction
  • Up to 10%
  • Up to 20%
  • • Choice of British/Australian or US English
  • • Journal-specific/standard formatting
  • • Post-service support (for revisions within 20% of the original document)
  • 50% discount
  • • Editing certificate (upon request)
  • • Customized cover letter
  • • Journal response letter editing